Washing human hair with horse hair shampoo is something that has been done for quite some time now. The reason why men and women have resorted to using horse shampoo is because they see how beautiful, silky and soft it makes the horses mane, so their trainers decided to try it on their own hair, and voilá, the result was fantastic! Horse shampoo for humans is also popular is small towns where people don’t have much money; the reason for this is because the prices of normal shampoo is high for a small amount, but horse shampoo is cheaper, for a large bottle that lasts a longer period of time.
The nutrients the shampoo offers your hair is amazing and it is said that washing human hair with horse hair shampoo actually makes your hair thicker too. Equiline is one of the common brands of horse shampoo to use on your hair and it is even great for those who bleach and colour their hair often, making it weak and dull, because Equiline contains less additives and irritants but offers more emollients, nutrients and moisturizers. You don’t have to worry about balding if you use a good horse shampoo, you aren’t going to lose your hair because of it, if anything it will make your hair bouncier and more full of life. Balding will be the least of your worries when you see what a difference a good horse shampoo can make to your hair.
Both men and women can make use of horse shampoo for their own hair, and the best part is that you don’t have to go out to expensive pet shops to buy it; you can find it online for a fraction of the price. If you find pet shops that stock the right brands for cheap prices, then go for it, otherwise use online shopping. Washing human hair with horse hair shampoo might sound a bit weird, but try it and you will see what all the hype surrounding it is about.